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Writings in English2

Is Realty Income a good to buy? September 23 Realty Income Stock Price Keep falling Investment Value of Realty Income Stock price of Realty Income have been fallen 22% this year. Stock price on January 2nd was $64.08, the stock price on September 29th was $49.94 on 2023. The dividend yield relative to the current price is above 6%. When I calculated at the current price of $49.94, a dividend yield of exactly 6.03% can be gener.. 2023. 10. 1.
The reason why I try to write my Tistory posts in English. I started running a profitable blog as a side job. I live in Korea, and Korea is curretly experiencing rapid aging issues as a social problem. I have a stable job that provides a fixed income, but if I think about living until my age is 100, it is not enough income to guarantee that I will be able to lead a stable daily life after retirement. Therefore, I have always been concerned about the nee.. 2023. 9. 30.